A single cushion nestled within a bed of mini carnations adorns the "lid" of our whimsical Jeannie's Bottle™ Flower Cake. The secret "chamber" below is full and curvacious, and decorated by a symphony of alternating buttons. The arrangement is designed with approximately 80 flowers, it is 7 inches in diameter and 4.5 inches tall with plate, or 7.5 inches tall with plate and riser or 11.5 inches tall with plate and tall riser.
This Flower Cake arrangement is available with a 8.6" designer plate.
The Flower Cake is delivered in our Deluxe Packaging.
Please review our Substitution Policy as all items presented on this Web site represents types of arrangements and gifts and may vary depending upon availability.
This product is Shipped via FedEx Overnight. |